It is not news that major developments are taking place in public transport land. The increasing popularity of EVs brings challenges in planning and the power grid, there is a great lack of staff and one has to do more with less money. All this has an impact on the continuity of public transport and the overall passenger experience. Especially in the case of disruptions, which are occurring more and more often, partly due to these developments.

With customers such as ProRail, NS, RET and GVB, ICT InTraffic develops, among other things, planning, traffic control and passenger information systems for public transport. "Due to the lower passenger numbers since the corona period, it has become all the more important to keep travelers on board (literally). Good travel information plays a crucial role in this," says Martijn van Aartrijk, Senior Business Consultant at ICT InTraffic. "All the more so because as a result of work and staff shortages, more and more disruptions are occurring and passenger numbers are under pressure." Where travel information has traditionally been mainly a derivative of the operational process, ICT InTraffic believes that the effects for the traveler should be more central in order to increase customer satisfaction.

"Carriers often focus on the importance of restoring operational processes as quickly as possible after disruptions," says Business Consultant Erik van der Kuil. As a result, travel information is not optimally focused on travelers. ICT InTraffic develops a system that helps to provide information that is tailored to individual needs. "And that is unique in the mobility world. It means that you bring together worlds of the operational process and the provision of information in such a way that not only travelers, but also drivers are supported during disruptions."

"There is a need for tailor-made advice that is relevant to the conscious traveler"

Martijn van Aartrijk
Martijn van Aartrijk

Tailor-made advice

Van Aartrijk also points out that there is a world to be won in the field of information provision. "The travel information is often slow, incomplete and incorrect. There is a need for tailor-made advice that is relevant to the conscious traveler. That means that as a carrier you have to focus on new aspects," says Van Aartrijk. "There is really a break with the traditional transport world." With its systems, ICT InTraffic wants to make an important contribution to unburdening carriers in that area. In June 2025, the company will explain the benefits of its systems to an international audience during the UITP Summit in Hamburg.

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Please contact Martijn van Aartrijk

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Martijn van Aartrijk