Corporate Governance
ICT Group B.V., a private company with limited liability incorporated under Dutch law with its registered office in Barendrecht, the Netherlands (the “Company”) is the parent company of the ICT Group of companies. The Company qualifies as a “structuurvennootschap” within the meaning of the Dutch Civil Code and applies the relevant rules of Dutch company law.
Executive Board
The company has a two-tier management structure, consisting of an Executive Board and a Supervisory Board. The Executive Board is responsible for managing the Company and consists of the following three members: Karim Henkens, Chief Executive Officer, Bart de Jong, Chief Financial Officer and Roy Jansen, Chief Operational Officer.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is charged with supervising and advising the Management Board. The Supervisory Board supervises the policy of the Executive Board and the general course of affairs of the company and its affiliated companies, comprising the activities of the group companies. The Supervisory Board's supervision includes the achievement of the company's objectives, the general strategy of the company and the risks associated with the business activities, the design and operation of the internal risk management and control systems, the financial reporting processes, compliance with legislation and regulations and the company's social responsibility. The Supervisory Board consists of the following five members: Theo J. van der Raadt (Chairman), Koen Beeckmans, Bart Coopmans, Jan-Jaap Bongers and Dr. Wim Bijnens.
Group Steering Committee
The Executive Board works closely with and is supported in the management of the Group by the members of the Group Steering Committee (GSC). The GSC consists of the country directors, division directors and staff directors.