Outsourced Services obtains assurance statement ISAE3402 type 1
- 15 February 2018
Customers of ICT Group (ICT) increasingly outsource an essential part of the service to us. Therewith ICT takes over crucial business processes. A disruption in these processes can have a major impact on the continuity of the customer’s organization.

ICT offers assurance
Customers want assurance. Assurance about important aspects such as risk management, internal control or data integrity. ISAE 3402 is the international assurance standard for security in outsourcing. ICT can provide this assurance.
Outsourced Services, management, maintenance and updating of applications and information systems, is proud that on February 13th, 2018 KPMG issued the assurance statement ISAE 3402 type 1 for the service to our customers. In the past year ICT Group worked hard to secure the processes and procedures so well that the service to our customers may carry this quality stamp.