Last weekend was all about the Rotterdam Cycling Festival. On Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 July, a total of almost 5,000 people took part in the various rides that were organised, including the Wendy & Leontien Ladies ride of which ICT Group was the main sponsor.

Charity rides

On saturday started the L'Étape by Tour de France Charity Rides with various distances. More than 1,500 cyclists got on their bikes for "Samen Touren tegen Kanker" (Touring against Cancer) to raise money for scientific research at the Erasmus MC Cancer Institute. A few of our ICT colleagues participated in this tour and crossed the finish line together.

L’Étape by Tour de France

ICT Group sponsors Ladies ride

The Wendy & Leontien Ladies ride started on Sunday with over 1,000 women in ICT Group cycling jerseys. They cycled distances between 25 and 80 km. The goal of the Ladies ride is to get women moving. For each participant, a fixed amount went to the Erasmus MC Foundation. Of course, our ICT ladies cycled along with Wendy and Leontien! Watch here how the ladies started!

Start ladies ride
Start ladies ride

Proceeds for better cancer treatment

A total of 293,036 euros was raised this weekend to improve the quality of life of cancer patients before, during and after their treatment.

Aftermovie ladies ride

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Please contact Carla Stuifzand - Press

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