Make operations more efficient with capacity planning for the distribution centre. Long-term, medium-term and short-term planning provides clarity about staff and resource requirements. Not only for the entire operation, but also for each individual process, zone or flow of goods. This creates the conditions to be able to intervene adequately and prevent delivery problems.

Best use of staff and resources

Good workers are scarce and expensive. This forces distribution centres to schedule their current employees as efficiently as possible and make maximum use of their capacities. Insight into the expected workload for the coming day, week, month or year makes it possible to deploy employees as well as the required systems and tools as smartly as possible.

The supply chain platform generates long-term, medium-term and short-term capacity planning. To do so, the platform is fed with data on inbound and outbound goods flows. Think of the already known purchase and sales orders from the ERP system, but also of demand forecasts from external systems. Thanks to the seamless integration with the Inbound Logistics module, information on the expected arrival times of containers and trailers can also be used as input.

DC Capaciteitsplanning ICT Logistics

From insight to action

The platform compares the required capacity with the available resources and immediately issues an alert if the number of people and/or resources falls short. The dashboard clearly shows what is needed to avoid operational problems. 

Translating this insight into concrete actions thus becomes a small step. Should inbound and outbound goods flows be staggered to avoid peaks in workload? Or is it necessary to upscale the capacity? DC Capacity Planning allows you to quickly find the answer.

The benefits

  • Alert in case of mismatch between required and available capacity
  • Understanding long-term, medium-term and short-term workloads
  • Capacity planning per process, zone or flow of goods
  • Support in turning insights into actions

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Ruben Pals ICT Logistics