Ensure smoother traffic flow in the yard of your distribution centre. Drivers of incoming trucks register their arrival and are automatically assigned the right dock, where DC staff are already ready to help with loading or unloading. Drivers of terminal tractors use their own app to see which trailers or containers they need to move.

Efficient notification and registration

Drivers can register in several ways: manually via a login screen or digitally via the driver app or a pre-received QR code. An interface with the Slot booking module enables more advanced options, for instance license plate scanning or geofencing. GPS coordinates will then allow the platform to detect when the pre-registered truck approaches the distribution centre. 

Once registration and login is complete, the appropriate gates and barriers open. The driver is automatically directed to the right dock or to a parking space. Do the contents of the truck need to be weighed? The supply chain platform also supports the control of weighbridges, automatically recording the measured weight.

Yard management ICT Logistics

Control of terminal tractors

Does the distribution centre have its own terminal tractors for moving containers and trailers? The dispatcher app, which is seamlessly integrated with the platform, saves time by automatically assigning tasks to terminal tractor drivers. Every movement is closely controlled and monitored. 

The platform provides an up-to-date overview of all vehicles, containers and trailers in the yard at any time. As arrival and departure times are automatically recorded, discussions about waiting times and waiting fees are a thing of the past.

The benefits

  • Complete overview of arrival and departure times
  • Integrated control of gates and weighbridges
  • Controlling and tracking of terminal tractors
  • Automatic assignment of docks
  • Efficient registration of trucks

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Ruben Pals ICT Logistics