
ForFarmers optimises the food chain with smart data products

  • 16 March 2023
  • 3 minutes

ForFarmers' ambition is to contribute to solving today's challenges through better animal nutrition and farmer guidance. To this end, ICT Group has built a data platform in the Azure cloud.

Can we digitalise knowledge about the impact of ingredient changes on recipes so that we can predict the impact on feed quality even more efficiently? Can we help farmers to determine even better when piglets, calves or chicks should switch to other feed that better suits their growth phase? It was these and other business questions that prompted the development of a data storage and analysis platform in the cloud.

A DevOps team from ICT Group's Industrial Automation division realized the platform, develops predictive algorithms and is responsible for managing the environment. This data platform allows ForFarmers to use insights from data to make better predictions. Knowledge that was previously in people's heads is now unlocked and captured in an algorithm.

"There are farmers who order feed when the silo is empty, which is not convenient. So an algorithm has been developed that uses the past ordering behaviour and animal information to predict when the feed will run out. Those farmers now receive a text message two weeks in advance, saying: 'please note, your silo is almost empty, would you like to order the next batch?'"

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ForFarmers optimises the food chain with smart data products

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Frank Snijders